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The Konya Chamber of Commerce (KTO) is a non-profit organization, representing the commercial and industrial companies in Konya and surroundings, and implementing commercial policies and market regulations. It assumes an intermediary role between local companies and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and institutions such as the Governorate and Municipalities, on issues related to professional occupational activities. KTO exerts a substantial effort aimed to increase the performances of the companies. Within this context, it organizes local and regional exhibitions, participates in national and international exhibitions, organizes professional training courses and furnishes entrepreneurs and managers with the information that may be required for their activities.

The KTO administration is based on two main structures that complement each other:

A democratic representation created by three major elements:

  • Professional Committees, 
  • Council,
  • Board of Directors;

An administrative structure is composed by those listed below:

  • Secretary General (Board of Directors’ representative)
  • Deputy Secretary Generals
  • 11 Services

The Professional Committees are elected by the members of the related professional groups, under secret ballot and legal surveillance.

The Council is the Chamber’s highest decision making and supervisory body. Each Professional Committee elects two members among themselves, by secret voting and under legal surveillance, in order to compose the Council. The term of the Council is 4 years.

The Chamber’s Board of Directors is the top-level executive organization, and is composed of 11 members elected from among the members of the Council. The Board of Directors elects the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce.

The two bodies that collaborate based on this foundation have different roles and functions. The Board of Directors and the Secretary General warrant the interaction among the two branches. The Secretary General especially fulfills the duties determined by the Board of Directors and manages the duties of the Services. Additionally, the Secretary General ensures the cooperation between the members of the Board of Directors, the Council, the Professional Committees and all executive fields of the Chamber.

Board of Konya Chamber of Commerce

Presidency of Assembly of Konya Chamber of Commerce


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This Website has been prepared within the scope of the “KTO with its Renewed Publicity Vision”, supported by the T.R. Mevlana Development Agency. The liability in relation to the contents lies solely on the Konya Chamber of Commerce and does not represent the opinion of the T.R. Mevlana Development Agency.
All rights reserved.
Software By CM Bilişim